Canadian Garden Supply offers a 14 day return policy.
Any item may be returned up to 14 days upon you receiving your order, excluding any items that are final sales.
All returns must have the original sales receipt and all original parts and pieces. No returns will be accepted if any of the above are missing.
All returns must be in original condition and unopened and unused. No returns will be accepted if any product is not in its original condition.
All shipping costs of returning items are the sole responsibility of the customer and must be sent insured to cover the cost of the item in case of damage during shipping.
No COD or uninsured packages will be accepted.
All returns greater than $1000.00 CAD are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
All returns will be credited back to the customer in the same payment method used to originally pay for the item. No Exceptions.
We will accept no returns of special ordered items, unless the item is defective and still under warranty.